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I was curious about the asset, but unfortunately it doesn't open and it has no texture. Maybe you can add a zip file with the texture and fixed .obj file? Thanks in advance! 

Oh. That's super strange. When I get back to my desk I'll fix it and upload new files for you.

Thanks a lot. Appreciate the fast response. 

Uploaded a zip folder with the .obj .fbx and texture. Hopefully that solves the issue. I usually use Unity to develop so import the .fbx and extract textures that way. I'll make sure to also upload the .obj and texture files independently in future ๐Ÿ˜Š

(1 edit)

Huge thanks friend! 
I really respect what you did and how quick you responded. The asset is great. I sent a little donation, nothing much, but hope that helps. Hope you make more assets in the future! 


No problem at all. Super super thanks for the donation ๐Ÿ˜Š